Its MAY ! Gosh..June is coming..then July..I'm turning 23 soon..SO soon is scares the shit out of me..
I'm still the same old me ..the one who complains and whines all day and all night long..I'm thinking of enrolling in college soon..Where? When ? I cant decide yet But i cant wait to Rock Campus'.Mum and friends said i should just do night classes since i had a steady job right now..But they dont seem to understand what i want..I wana experience campus life..Although i dont deny that im a little paranoid about my age..I dont even know wether i can get along with all those fresh high skool grads..5 Years is a hugggeee Gap..I dont wana be call the old bitch..
What course i wana do? Mass communication of course..I'm thinking of picking PR as my major..If i really did make it to college..i'm gona be Flat broke..Thats the thing that i worry most..No more shopping ? I rather DIE !!
I regretted wasting off so many years..Sometimes i wonder why cant i have a normal family..Where my parents will at least care more of my future..Where they at least made plans for ME ! Yea so what if i like to push the blame to everyone ..People think im so lucky to have all this freedom..I can do whatever i want..go whenever i like and come home anytime i wish to...LUCKY?? Yea lucky if u wish to end up a loser
'Think practically' they said..Why give up your job now? Just stay in the company, continue working and one day u will be somebody.
How can i be somebody with no Freaking certs, Qualifications and skills? I wont be young forever..Who the fuck wana hire me when im old and ugly?
.FUCK IT..! DONT BE STUPID PLEASE..i dont even enjoy what i do..ITS NOT WHAT I WANT ..If u cant give me what i want and you're not helping then please shut the fuck up..I wana go far not stuck in a stupid position where people get to push you around,Solving everyone's shit everyday and gets the blame for EVERYTHING
The more i think about it..The more i'm PISSED !
I'm sick of depending on myself to get everything that i want in life
I thank my fucking loser dad for all this..Don't have children if you only have balls to abandon them..
Now do u still want to know I'm so fucked up all the time?
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