May the New Year be kind to everyone
Everyone is busy writing down their resolutions, I have a long list of things which I wish I could do this year. Not to mention how I never accomplish any from the previous years.
For now, all I want is to be a less angry person and I wish I could learn to let certain things in life go.
I wish lust, hatred, greed, jealousy, and the monsters in my head will not win the battle.
May I grow older gracefully but remain young in heart
Wish all you a Happy New Year
♫ Of the Moment : Sigur Rós - Sæglópur

Wonderful list of goals heartfelt and genuine. It's clear to see you are a beautiful person inside and out. Very best wishes in 2012 sweet Jasmine! xx Marisa
Your pictures are wonderful!
Those Resolutions you mention are very honest and true. Maybe all of us should work on those demons inside our minds. The world would be a better place. Good luck to you and Happy New year <333
Most people have lots of other things they wish for 2012, but these onces are the most beautiful!
lovely post dear. :) I haven't really made any resolutions, just wishes for my house etc.: get rid of all things i don't really need or like, and make it feel like HOME, with my boyfriend. Now it's mostly filled with things of mine :D
Thanks for your comments, have a happy start to this new year ! ^^
xx Satu
Indie by Heart
happy new year!!! i sincerely hope u'll achieve everything that u set out to do in the future ahead! ;)
I know and I believe that you will accomplished all your goals this year. Even though last year was not that good in most of us, but we should be positive this new year and never ever give up in doing on what is right. Thank you big sister. And your picture is beautiful as well as your new header. =)
Hugs and kisses,
Little Sister
this is a nice picture <3!
Thats the right attitude to start the year off with =) I hope 2012 is a year of joy!!!! Keep at it girl =)
selamat tahun 2012. moga happy selalu
these are beautiful goals to start the new year off with. wishing you all the best in 2012!
Feliz año nuevo,espero que este 2012 te traiga mucha paz y felicidad!
por cierto,la canción es preciosa.Y tus palabras..yo pienso lo mismo.
muchos besos
I have been reading your blog. You are a beautiful person inside and out. Your anger is your response to the bad things that happened to you. But your anger is not you and I'm sure you will achieve your goal. All the best for the 2012!
Happy new year, great list xx
happy new year sweetness! xoxo!
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