It really gets to my nerves when i see 'retarded' people who don't act their age..People like this skipped and hopped around instead of walking..then they talked like a bloody cartoon character which i wish i could just punch them right in their ugly faces !
They talk like a 12 years old and most of their conversations are nothing but nonsense..Not forgetting they're also KIASU , posting crap in Facebook...
DUH, takut orang tak tau whats goin on in your lame life izit ? Lifeless but wana act like you're so cool , bubbly and fun...
Why dont every u post up or shout out loud to the world everytime u farted or shitted in your pants? People are intrested you know..Since you're so BLOODY CUTE ...
If people like you are naturally cute then im fine with it..But please dont act like one when you're not.It makes you look plain dumb...
But dont worry people who are equally as dumb as you will like you just the way you are..
So all of u dumb people can move to LOSERVILLE and live your bright sun shiny pathetic lives there ! Maybe there u can find houses made of gingerbread , rainbows right behind your pretty garden and people there dont have to be smart and it doesnt matter if they dont have brains ..
wait wait..you think im talking about you or your friend? Opppsss....did i just offended you ? My bad , can u make me care ?
Au revoir !
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