First of all i'm freaking tired..and out of boredom..the one and only thing i can think of....
is Swedish MEAT BALLS...hot balls with brown gravy and lingonberry jam..with loadsa fries..
Im going nutz thinking about em..
So damn fucking good.........................just had em for lunch today ..and i'm craving for it again NEED MORE..GIVE ME MORE
Diet? whats that?
Ikea's Swedish Meat Balls!!! I heart!!!
Damn, now I'm back in Penang, I don't get to makan those juicy meat already... :(
hahaha nvm i send virtual balls to u tru msn later hahaha
alah i dun get to eat beef d....
nvr had the chance to eat meatballs
only get to eat that donkey pasta sumore vegetarian pasta ..... pui....
but nise oso ler....
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