Saw 'The Thing called Love' the other day on Astro..To be frank i saw some part of the movie weeks ago but then i thought it was just another boring love movies so i didn't really bother .Till last Saturday my mum was actually watching it , so out of boredom i watched along..and i am hooked ! Love the country music featured in the film especially 'Blame in on your heart' - James and Miranda .And of course the main reason i was glued to my TV was the romance between James and Miranda in the movie..

I dont really like the ending and i was sulking cause i dont want it to end that way ! But Im not gonna spoil it by telling more of the details..so u guys watch it yourself ..
And did i mention how hot River Phoenix was ! I was blown away..he is so F ffffing HOT !
♫ of the moment : Cant Stop Falling In love-Elvis Presly ( The scene where they danced at the door step of Graceland )
its a chick flick ! guy dont watch romance movies
says who..ya right..guys dont watch???
thats the most pathetic lie..come on la..
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